Today Oliver and I were back to our routine:
Up between 7:00 and 7:30. I pump while he talks to me from the crib, and then after getting all the bottles ready, I change him and warm up his first bottle for the day. It’s about this time that Daddy pops in to say goodbye before he leaves for work. Today was one of the good days where Oliver’s already out of the crib and on the change table for this, so Bo was able to play with him for a few minutes, blowing on his hands and pretending to eat them, eliciting a run of giggles.
From there we retreated to the family room to start our day. We spent a couple of hours swaping between eating and playing, when I started to get really tired, so we took a little nap, Oliver snuggled into my arm and chest, and me with my head comfortably resting on the back of the couch (ok, maybe not so comfortably). I was worried that my arm would slip while I slept though and wake Oliver up, so I made sure to cushion his with pillows.
About 10 minutes after we woke up (after a very short 15 minute nap, apparently I should have slept during the first hour Oliver was passed out) Great Gulf Tim arrived and fixed our vent exhaust for me, which is awesome because now I can cook Bo some bacon on the weekend and see how the exhaust works!
I just want to throw in here that when I cook with gas, I feel like a rock star. It’s like I’ve been building up to this, and have finally arrived, cooking wise. I came to this realization while making myself some cream of wheat though, which kind of destroys all my credibility as a chef.
The last bit of the afternoon was spent playing with just about every toy in site, and getting dinner together.
Tonight we had roast chicken, parsion cooked carrots and my roasted potatoes. There was a fair amount of fail though. I used the oven probe for the first time, and I got a false reading, the chicken came out bloody, but because I was going by that temp, I was cooking everything to be ready at the same time, andd Murphy’s law, it actually was (for the first time ever). So, the chicken needed to cook for another 20 minutes, which ment that the crispy potatoes had to go back in the oven to keep warm and went soggy, and the carrots were near mush due to over cooking.
Somehow though, it all still tasted ok, which I guess matters more. And at least I cooked, because I really didn’t feel like it. I was just so tired and starting to feel sick again, which sucks because I’m still getting over being sick the last time.
I’ll mention that part of the problem is that we’ve officially encountered winter, with two blustry nights in a row now, and the wind makes our gigantic 8″ vent hood ehxaust flap bang because there aren’t enough houses up yet, and that wakes and then keeps me up, for hours. It really sucks.
Back to the day, after dinner we watched the season fanile of Glee, and it sucked because it was so good and now that’s it until April. I just love a good show tune some times. Oliver crashed about 9:30, which was perfect because it ment we could all go to bed together.
Oh yeah, Barbra Walter’s 10 most fasciniting people was on at 10, so we put it on in bed for a bit tddo laugh at how she replaces all her r’s with w’s.
Another perfect day, although I didn’t get Olver to see Santa like I’d wanted to, but now I’m thinking it’s best to do it on the weekend so that Bo can come too, I think it’s something he wants to be there for but doesn’t say.
Life’s perfect, but then, what else is new.
Let me know below!