Sept. 4 – 6, 2010
This weekend we packed up most of our house and headed up to Mom’s cottage for the long weekend. Now, this was a month ago (to the day, look at that), so I’ll let the pictures do the talking and interject if I so see fit.
I guess first I should say that for the ride up Bo and I split a pizza (Oliver slept the entire way and ate dinner when we got there). You see, a brand spankin’ new Domino’s pizza opened up just a couple of weeks ago, and we’d had a hankering to try it. It was blissful, just fantastic. Seriously, one of the best pizzas we’d had in a long time. I’m sure it helped that we were both starving, and it was no Papa D’s (RIP – I’ll explain another day), but it was so, so good.
The drive wasn’t too bad either. Considering the directions consisted of a two plus hour drive full of lefts and not many rights that seemed to take us further and further away from our final destination, it actually wasn’t that bad. I was pretty full off of the pizza though, ok so really I was just too damn indecisive, and missed out on a chip truck stop on the way up. I learned my lesson on the way home though. That was a delicious stop too. There’s nothing quite like a poutine and strawberry shake to make a long drive go by faster. No, I’m not pregnant, I just happen to like poutine and strawberry shakes. And I’ve got an iron stomach so I can mix pretty much anything together. Except booze and karaoke, that’s just never a good match.
Anyway, on to the photos!
An indulgence if you please. I’m trying to take better photos, so here’s my first go at it out and about around Mom’s cottage.
And back to our regular scheduled programing.
Let me know below!