Oct. 9, 2010
For Thanksgiving (up hear in Canada we’re backwards, we have Thanksgiving before Halloween even gets here) I had all kinds of grand plans. For dinner with my family I was going to make cheesecake and pie and sweet potato casserole. You know what I didn’t make: cheesecake and pie and sweet potato casserole. Ok, I did scrape together the casserole, but I was sick (wait, didn’t you hear me complaining in the last post, laryngitis AND bronchitis. gross.).
The casserole, it was fantastic. In fact, it’s now a family tradition, I can’t not make it for Christmas or Thanksgiving because if it’s not in my hands I don’t get in the door. Well, except for Christmas this year, because for the first time it’s at my house, so I can do whatever I damn well please. Sorry, I’m getting side tracked, I’ll get that recipe up for you soon though.
For dinner with the other side (Bo’s family), I wanted to make cookies, and while I didn’t really feel up to it, I had spent $25 on cookie cutters and icing tools last week so I didn’t really have a choice.
You want to know what I did have though? A willing cookie taster. He only wanted the ones with red icing, and only the mini cookies. After one taste he was sold though, and in a very, very good mood!
Let me know below!