Today, it was really one of those days. Bo snores sometimes. Sometimes he snores a lot. Last night…last night Bo snored more than he ever has before, and I’m guessing it had something to do with the stronger sleeping pills that he took because the mild ones ran out. That fact means nothing to me though, there is no sympathy to be found here. That bugger with his sleeping pills kept me up all night. I literally only slept from 12:35 until 2:15 when Maggie woke me up to go outside.
Just trying to get Bo to flip over so that he wasn’t snoring directly into my face was a 5 minute endeavor that at one point had me needling him in one armpit, punching him in the opposite arm, and trying to roll him over myself with my feet. All to no avail mind you (Bo, when you read this, that may explain the bruise on your bicep…I love you).
This isn’t why my day was that bad though….nope….this is considered a manageable upset in a typical day for me. the real problems started around noon, when I got a horrific migraine. Then Oliver was sick with a fever again and out of sorts. Maggie decided to start raising hell around 2 just as I was getting Oliver down for nap, and then Anna woke up at 3 screaming bloody murder.
Anna screamed bloody murder from 3 pm until 8:40 pm. Non stop. Read that again, please: non stop. She screamed through the quarter of a jar of food that she smeared on her face but didn’t really eat (a far cry from the standard 2 jar dinner most days). She screamed through the bottles I fed her, formula spurting out the corner of her lips the entire time. She screamed while I walked with her, danced with her, jumped up and down, had Oliver make silly faces, and even while Maggie gave her adorable puppy kisses.
Nothing would quiet this child.
Then, at 4, Bo called to let me know that he had to work late. Like, really late. Instead of leaving at 5, he didn’t leave until 8:15. That really, REALLY sucked tonight.
Why am I writing all of this down? Sharing it? Because even in the midst of the worst possible, chaos filled days, there is always that one moment that you never want to forget.
At one point, my nerves fried, my head feeling like it was about to explode, I looked over at my Oliver and said “Buddy, you and I are the only two people in this house that can refrain from melting down. Only you and I”.
A couple of hours later, when I was rocking Anna in her room, still listening to her scream, still trying to get her to eat, Oliver walked in, patted me on the arm:
“You and me Mommy, only you and me”.
PS – Bo is home now, the kids are asleep in bed, and our pizza dinner should be arriving any minute. Hallelujah.
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