I’ve been meaning to get this up on the blog for a long time but kept forgetting. This shopping list has been a lifesaver for me. Budgeting is just going to get tighter for us, and this was the easiest way for me to organize everything for the week ahead.
Use the left hand side to quickly plan the meals for the week. I usually do this while going through the flyers to see what meat’s on sale. I can promise you that they meals I put under each day are pretty much never actually made on that day though, lol. It’s a good starting place 🙂
Use the numbered ovals below to keep track of the money you spend as you’re in the store. Example, if you’ve spent $1, put a \ through the “2” oval. When you’ve spent $2, put the / in the same oval, making an X. I feel like an idiot writing this out, I know you guys can figure it out, but I had one person ask how to use it before…
Down the list on the right hand side, just write out what you want to buy, add the amount of any coupons you have in the coupon column so you don’t forget to use them, and as you put the item in your cart, color in the square on the left.
The list is made to fold in half too, so it doesn’t take up so much space in your purse.
One last thing: I’ve made it into a form. This means when you open it in Adobe Reader you can just type into all the spaces (nice and easy!). You can still print them out blank though too. If you want to see the “fields” to type into, just hit “Highlight Fields”, top right, in adobe reader. To hide them, hit the button again (they won’t print, so don’t worry).
Hope this helps you guys as much as it has me!
Click here or the image below to download the pdf.