I figured today would be a good day to start-up:
I’ve been needing somewhere to vent, let off a little steam, and pretend that it would be ok to sit and have a margarita in the middle of the day (I’m not, don’t run to CPS just yet, I’m sitting with a bottle of water while the girls nap, but I’m PRETENDING that it’s a margarita). I have a wonderful imagination. I’m also 37 pounds lighter, 2 inches shorter, and my breasts sit solidly up on my chest without a bra. It’s good to live in my head.
It’s also currently only noon on Tuesday.
So far today I have melted down on the phone to three different people (one being my husband), and I managed to drop my son off at school 30 minutes late because I was trying to pull it all together. I don’t mean that I yelled at these people either, I mean that I ugly cried on the phone because I (no one else to blame here folks, sure wish there was) screwed up and there was nothing anyone could do to help me. I actually made the poor lady at the electronics store start tearing up, and she kept arguing with managers on my behalf while I just kept apologizing to her for crying (I’m very Canadian like that), and then two hours later the nice older man at the post office started consoling me. By the end of it he was basically telling me Santa would make sure everything worked out for me. Clearly he didn’t know what the hell to say either.
Why you ask? Did something terrible happen? Is life saving medicine not going to make it here on time? Have I ruined Christmas for 3,000 people?
Nope. I’m just an idiot.
An idiot, who at 1:30 am last Friday ordered my sons Christmas present online (on that note, I hate you black Friday, with your ridiculous hours and impossible lines), and was too damn tired to read properly. I shipped the gift to the “default” address, which happened to be mine from 8 years, 3 kids, and a wedding ago.
Like I said, I’m an idiot.
The store can’t do anything because not only is it shipped, but it’s being delivered today. They also won’t send it out again once returned, it would just automatically get refunded, which would be fine if this particular thing wasn’t SOLD OUT EVERYWERE!!!
While pulling my head out of my ass over this debacle (I’m sure this classifies as a debacle), I decided to stop in and pick up Sophie’s Christmas stocking. The one that I bought three years ago, but never had a name put on so that if/when another kid came along we’d have the stocking to match the rest. The one I dropped off a week ago, to have a single name put on. The one I provided with Oliver’s, so they could match it properly.
Well, first off, they had “misplaced” them when I got there. Awesome. Fifteen minutes later they had found them, but, oopsie, they weren’t done yet, but they’ll do them today for sure (great, apparently it takes 8 days to stitch a name on a stocking). Best of all, a lady came running out as I was leaving to confirm that I wanted the thread to be a different colour, deep burgundy, instead of red like Olivers….
I thought that writing “Please match to existing stocking provided” on the order form, and giving you Oliver’s stocking, would have helped. Yikes.
So now I sit, with my pretend margarita, reminding myself that I’m very lucky the most I have to cry over is a lost toy for the kids, and a stocking that may (or may not) match the rest. Not a bad life.
But I’m still really pissed off about it. Cheers.
Let me know below!