2016 Edit: Well, I can’t believe that a year has flown by already. It is INSANE to me that it’s already time for her second birthday. We’re not going big and crazy this year (although I am working out a pretty awesome cake in my mind for her). I wanted to re-share her party from last…
Valentine's day
Happy Valentines Day!
Bo and I are spending today in the hospital… Because our baby girl has decided to make her appearance! I couldn’t ask for a better present, and I got the one up on Bo by remembering to bring his card. It just keeps getting better. Intrepid food blogger that I am, I’ve sent him on…
Ultimate Triple Chocolate Cookie
Alright folks, Valentines Day is just around the corner (literally…do you realize that it’s NEXT Tuesday!), so I figured it was time to introduce everyone to my ultimate triple chocolate cookies. What makes a triple chocolate cookie you may wonder? Well, there’s cocoa powder, standard…some chocolate chips, check…but then, oh yes, then, there is also a literal…