When I went out to do my butter run today I was pleasantly surprised to find a whole stack of craft supplies for $1.00 each. For anyone else in Canada this was at the Loblaws Supercenter. Googlie eyes, pipe-cleaners, pom-poms, popsicle sticks, a wooden dinosaur and dog cut-out, feathers, etc. It was a gold mine and I was a world class miner.
That last sentence goes down as my nerdiest of the day, but I promise you it’s not even close to my best ever. Don’t get me started on the difference between impossible and improbable.
Any way, when we got home Oliver ate some lunch and went down for a nap, while Anna spent the next two and a half hours eating and staring at me. I’m not complaining, much, it just would have been nice to get in a little nap myself. As soon as she fell asleep though Oliver woke up, but that was ok too because it meant we could start crafting.
So we did.
In one of my few strokes of genius, I thought to put some craft paper down on the table before we got started.
First off, we decided to make a cow. Some giant googlie eyes and black pom poms should do the trick, right?
Not so much when you throw in a blue feathered Mohawk and some red stilt legs. Oh well, I like this cow monster much better any way.
Then Oliver wanted a bracelet, I think because Uncle Craig showed him his on the weekend. He wasn’t a fan though, it was pretty much only on as long as it took me to take this picture. Sorry Uncle Craig.
Now it was time to colour and decorate his dinosaur. Every dinosaur needs a pet snake crawling up his legs.
The snake ended up being the first casualty of this crafting session. My thumb was the second, stupid paper cut from a feather. I still don’t even know how that’s possible. I also don’t know why there needed to be a second floating eye, or a third that he added later.
Oliver showed off some of his straight line skills. His form holding that crayon is ridiculously impressive as well (now that there is a lesson in the kind of misplaced and exaggerated pride only a mother can have). But it does look like those tracing lessons we’ve started are paying off.
I’m not sure what he was plotting here, but I know it was diabolical.
It’s a good thing I made this pipe-cleaner monster to distract him.
Maybe it wasn’t such a good thing…
Nope, it was a good thing, just look at that smile. I can hear him laughing looking at that smile. It’s wonderful!
In fact, I think it was a great thing.
Yep. Definitely a great thing. Have I mentioned yet today that I love this kid.
In a short respite from playing with the pipe-cleaner monster we also made a dog.
The dog is also intermittently known as a loin. I think it might have something to do with the hair I placed at the top of his head for some unknown reason.
You may look at this, our kitchen table, (just before we went upstairs to get Anna who was looking to eat again) as a giant mess that will suck to clean up. You would be right.
But it also shows that we had one hell of a fantastic afternoon.
A couple of hours later, as the sun was setting, Oliver grabbed his wooden dinosaur, took it up onto the couch, and went for a ride on it.
Have I mentioned yet that I love this kid?
Let me know below!