Just wanted to give a quick little update on the lack of posts. Vacation is over and I’m back home, but have been stuck with quite the severe bout of bronchitis.
It really, really sucks. The grandparents stepped up to watch the kids for me yesterday, and poor Bo did the same today. On top of me though, Oliver woke up with a raging fever too (just a viral infection though, thank goodness), and Anna has a throat infection and ear infection.
This house, it is a pure den of sickness.
I will be back in the kitchen this week though. I must. I have a chocolate mousse recipe for the JC100 celebration, along with all those beautiful new Le Creuset pots to dirty. Here’s hoping that by tomorrow night I can walk long enough without coughing to get to the grocery store… I’m hoping… I’m not optimistic, lol, but I’m hoping.
I think I need to come up with a tag line to finish posts with. Something corny with a bit of a pun is what I’m thinking… I’ll have to figure it out to debut with the new blog layout that’s also on the way.
Look, so many exciting changes, if only I could stop coughing and sleeping long enough to get some of it done.
Night all, I’m off to eat some parmigiano reggiano and head to bed, because as crazy as it sounds it’s the only thing settling my stomach right now.
Let me know below!