For the second time now I was given the opportunity to test out a piece of Circulon cookware that’s offered at Canadian Tire. Last time, it was one of their non-stick skillets, and you can see that review here. This time around I got to play around with their double non-stick roaster. I have cooked a ton of meals and sides in this, and I’ll get to all those details in just a second. The first thing you need to know though, is that this roaster will change the way you cook.
I know, you’re thinking sure, it’ll change the way I cook. OK.
But I’m serious, and I know, because I started off by having a lot of trouble cooking in it. I was prepping food the way I normally would when I’m tossing it in my stainless roaster, or on a baking sheet. I’d toss the veggies in some oil, and by some, I mean enough so that they wouldn’t just stick and burn to the metal. The first (cough, and second, and third) time I tried cooking in this roaster, I did the same. They kept coming up too greasy, and I couldn’t figure out why.
That’s when I finally asked the question, and was put in touch with the awesome people working at Circulon (seriously, awesome, and SO helpful! Hi Galit!). Hilariously, in my email, I mentioned that I felt like the roaster was “too non-stick”. They must have had a good laugh at that one. The truth is, this roaster is INCREDIBLY non-stick, and that’s an awesome thing. That is what will change the way you cook.
Finally, I had the secret to roasting in this baby – skip the fat. Use only the tiniest little bit, just enough to get some flavour if you must. The non-stick coating in this roaster is THAT GOOD. Finally, once I started keeping the fat away from the pan, my carrots came out perfectly tender with slightly crisp edges here and there. Potatoes browned up nicely, and weren’t soggy or greasy at all. Imagine – roasting potatoes in the oven, full of flavour, without all kinds of added fat to keep them from sticking.
The only thing to watch out for with this roaster is really fatty cuts of meat (mainly beef). Make sure if you’re roasting those, you keep the lid off as much as possible so that the rendered fat can burn off and not just pool at the bottom.
Another note on that lid – it doubles as a second roasting pan – this is major, especially with the holidays coming up – who doesn’t need a second pan to throw in the oven.
Did Someone Say Giveaway?
UPDATE: Congratulations to Mary Butt for winning the non-stick skillet! I just sent you an email 🙂 Sorry for the delay in posting everyone, we had some trouble with out van yesterday that ate up my afternoon. Thanks to everyone for their awesome comments. Be sure to keep your eyes peeled next week for another great giveaway!
Now for something really great. Those awesome people at Circulon are letting me give away one of their skillets that I also love so much to one of my Canadian readers. Just leave me a comment on this post, and tell me what holiday side dish you’re looking forward to the most! I’ll randomly pick the winner Friday December 11th, 2015 at noon. Merry Christmas everyone!!
Jackie Lunn
Marisa Silver
Mary Butt
Rosanna mitchell
Ashleigh Eldridge
Deanna Hutton
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