This post is part of the and Sears Canada #GotItAtSears sponsored program. I received compensation as a thank you for my participation. This post reflects my personal opinion about the information provided by the sponsors.
I feel like Sears Canada has been everywhere lately, and not just because it’s Christmas. I kept hearing and reading about how Sears was evolving their stores so obviously, shopping aficionado that I am, I had to check it out.
There is something so exciting about a store growing and changing with your needs. After seeing one of their four new concept stores (Promanade Mall, Mapleview Centre, Stone Road Mall, and Oshawa Centre), I feel like they made a mile long checklist of every want and need I could have in a shopping experience, then reworked their stores to meet every single one of them!
As soon as you walk in, it’s nothing but clean open spaces that make it so easy to find your way around. That continues through the entire store! There is just SO MUCH ROOM now! It’s easier to find exactly what you’re looking for, and to spot something that you didn’t know you needed but absolutely do!
I’m totally talking about shoes. LOOK at this shoe department! Look in the back middle right too – I even want the benches that they have for you to try on the shoes! These new stores seriously embody the feel my house would have if it weren’t for three kids!
And speaking of kids… I want to share with you a story from two weeks ago. Our cousin was getting married to the greatest girl ever. Our Anna was set to be the flower girl, Sophie was all ready with her dress and tights, and Oliver had an awesome pair of pants and a vest hanging in the closet – but he needed one last thing to pull everything together and put it over the top: a pair of blue argyle socks. They had to be blue, with some navy, and some bright, because as a family we decided to roll in on a theme (I know). I did not even think twice about where to go and get them. There was no need to try running around to all those insanely over priced *trendy* kids stores that have hardly any selection. I knew that I just had to go to Sears (and finding them at 40% off, I felt like they were basically giving them to me). Time for some honesty: I found so many awesome pairs of argyle socks that day, he now has them him 6 differnt colours, wait til you see the teal ones!
Poor kid – Oliver ended up having an allergic reaction and the benedryl we gave him had him sleeping on a bed of chairs for most of the night. Even so – he had a steady stream of visitors to check out the “best dressed guy there”, and those amazing blue argyle socks from Sears were always on full display!
It’s not just the styling that they’ve focused on though. Sears is also bringing in tons of new brands, like fashion lines Tom Tailor, Jacqueline De Yonge, One Fashion by Vero Moda, and Jessica Simpson. And they’re doing it all the Sears way: great quality at insanely low prices. There is nothing better than staying on trend, and in budget!
I am SO excited by every change Sears has made in their new concept stores (Promanade Mall, Mapleview Centre, Stone Road Mall, and Oshawa Centre), you’ve absolutely got to get out and see them for yourself! When you do, make sure you let me know what your favourite part of the new format stores was (it’s totally going to be the shoes!!!). Show me what you bought too by tagging it #GotItAtSears
Let me know below!