Do I ever have something awesome to show you parents today! Below you’ll find the links to three FREE interactive iPad ebook downloads for your kids. They’re created by kids CBC, and based on the awesome TV show “The Adventures of Napkin Man”.
My older two can’t get enough of them. The Adventures of Napkin Man ebooks all start off with a focus on a challenge your kids often face (like calming down for quiet time in school). Mr. Anthony, the teacher, then uses Napkin Man as an example, to show kids different coping strategies and methods.
The best part though, these books are designed to be used together, or for the kids (ages 3 – 5) to read and play along by themselves. They also have great little interactive breakaway puzzles, songs, and games throughout the stories that both my 5 and 3 year old absolutely love, and are able to do on their own.
Here are the three links to download these awesome interactive ebooks, for FREE!
Penguin-A-Go-Go Messaging around calming down
Treasure for All Messaging around sharing
Say Hello Messaging around shyness
On top of letting me share those with you, The Adventures of Napkin Man is letting me give one of you lucky readers a $100 visa gift card! If you don’t already have an iPad to enjoy the apps on, that would be a great start to put toward one! Just enter below using the Rafflecopter entry between now and Feb. 8, 2015 (sorry, only open to residents of Canada).
These books are really great, already touted by teachers and child development experts for the unique way they approach many of the challenges our kids face early on. I just loved that my kids loved them, they had educational merit to them, and I could enjoy sitting and reading with them as well.
Disclosure: I am part of The Adventures of Napkin Man campaign and I receive special perks as part of my affiliation with this group. The opinions on this blog are my own.
Mark V.
James M
C.L. Scott
Linda Tupper
aarone mawdsley
James Robb
angela m
Michelle K
Ed Bernas
Surso S.
Autumn R
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