Just sneezed and it echoed through the entire house. Where is this kitchen guy?!
Oh dear lord.
Where in the F*&% did the last 6 months go? I mean, I lose everything, but six months? That’s even a little much for me. So, life’s been fantastic, the house is great, blah blah blah. My son, my BABY, had his first half day of daycare yesterday. This, in anticipation of my going back…
Monday December 14, 2009
Today was a bit on the busy and hectic side. After Oliver’s first feeding he played for a bit and then napped. While he did that I got everything ready for us to go out later, and did the menu for the week. After his second feeding we loaded into the car and headed to…
Friday December 11 to Sunday December 13, 2009
I’m throwing all the days together because I just never found a chance over the weekend. Oliver’s awake now too, so I’ll have to condense so that we can go play. Friday was the day Oliver met Santa. We headed to the mall around 11:30 for his first picture with Santa, and it was exactly…
Thursday December 10, 2009
It’s official (I think) I’m getting sick again. Not so official I guess. Today I went absolutl crazy and utilized my kitchen to it’s full potential…I made buttertarts AND a lemon meringue pie! Both were fantastic by the way! Oliver and I started our day as usual (pumping, eating, playing), only today I took any…
Wednesday December 9. 2009
Today Oliver and I were back to our routine: Up between 7:00 and 7:30. I pump while he talks to me from the crib, and then after getting all the bottles ready, I change him and warm up his first bottle for the day. It’s about this time that Daddy pops in to say goodbye…