Sept. 1, 2010 Bo was in London today for a meeting (again tomorrow too, Booo!), so it was just Oliver and I for the night. I made dinner easy on myself so that I could make some mini pizzas for Bo when he gets home and eat with him, so for Oliver I cheated and…
BBQ at Jenny’s
Saturday Aug. 28, 2010 Today we spent an absolutely fantastic day at Jenny and Alex’s house. The weather was perfect, one of the last perfect days actually, not too hot and not too cold. Alex BBQ’d some ridiculously good pork chops for us, and there were tons of sweets and lots of delicious fruit. Yeah, I tend…
Oliver’s First Haircut
Aug. 21, 2010 I’ve been SO incredibly lazy about posting (which I swear is about to change). Anyway, to have some sort of a record of when things happen (thank you photo dating), I’m including the date on the posts until I’m caught up. Despite all the family cursing and swearing all bloody hell should…
Is it Friday yet?
Today was another nothing day. Back to work never really means a lot of fun though. Nana spent the day with Oliver, hoping that the appliance repair men would show, but they didn’t. Big shock. I got home and made some fantastic pulled pork (I made the homemade BBQ sauce for it last night), and served…
What weekend
This weekend was rough, and not in a good way. It went by far too quickly, and we did absolutely nothing. I’ve decided that this is a terrible way to spend your only two days off. Saturday was Bo’s day to sleep in. And he did, until 11 o’clock (lucky bastard, we were in bed…
Forgettful is my…wait…what
Days disappear from my mind far too quickly it seems. I used to be much better at updating this daily. Then every other day I’d do two posts, and now it’s more like twice a week. Which is horrible because I can never remember what happened. Friday at work was pretty normal, nothing exciting or…
Bad Mommy Day
Arugh. These days are the worst. It started off normal enough. Bo dropped Oliver off at Lindsay’s (and I got to see him in the morning, Woot!) and I headed off to work. I had a fairly busy day that was slightly interrupted by a horrific headache, but what can you do. Bo and I…
Back to the grind
It was hard to go back to work this week. For one, after only a month I feel like I’ve hit a wall. Already. Even though I didn’t want to go back to work, the first few weeks were ok, actually better then I expected. Then Oliver got sick, and fussy every night, and now…
Catch up
Well, life has been crazy this last week, so I’m about to do something I hate: a weeks worth of updates in one post. Here’s hoping it doesn’t get too long. Tuesday it was back to work as usual for us, nothing exciting except for the fact that I was exhausted for no reason, and…
The rest of the weekend
The best day of a long weekend has to be Sunday. You’re mind wakes up thinking that it’s the last day before heading back to work, but then you remind yourself that you have the next day off as well, and you just lay there smiling. The. Best. We didn’t do much of anything for…
Zoo day!
Today was just a fantastic day! We all got up early to nice bright sunshine and headed out to the zoo by 9am to meet Tash and Josh. The weather was almost perfect (just a little too hot for me at times in the sun), with the slightest breeze and a few clouds at times….
Hello long weekend!
Fridays are always fantastic, but the Friday of a long weekend? It really doesn’t get better! The morning went off without a hitch, and they tend to do now, but for the fifth day in a row I didn’t get to see Oliver before I left. I think he’s settled into a new routine and…
A least exciting day
This will probably be the shortest, most boring blog post ever. I’m totally ok with this. The morning went off exactly like every other morning; I didn’t get to see Oliver again, I haven’t seen him once this week and it’s really starting to suck. Bo dropped him off at daycare and I headed off…
There’s just too much to do…
Tuesday started off perfectly normal. Bo dropped a happy Oliver off at daycare, and I made it to work early for the second day in a row. The downside to these mornings is that Oliver keeps sleeping in so I don’t get to see him before I leave for work, which totally sucks. I’m almost…
The countdown begins
So it’s another Monday, and to make it better I figured I would start a countdown in my head. A countdown to 1 – the long weekend coming up NEXT WEEKEND and 2 – My birthday next Wednesday. Yeah. Oliver and Bo each got to sleep in today because Bo had a meeting at 10 or…
What day is it again?
Well, we (Bo and I) totally screwed up our internal clocks yesterday by going grocery shopping. You see, I am usually a creature of habit, to a fault, and Sunday is usually grocery day, so I was totally screwed up. Plus, you throw in that Bo got up yesterday with Oliver, and I got up…