Oct. 23, 2010 Today was a day I’d been looking forward to for WEEKS! I couldn’t wait to get Oliver to the pumpkin patch for the first time, and thankfully he had just as much fun as I’d hoped he would 🙂 Before we could go though, we thought we’d let Daddy sleep in as…
Oliver’s First Basketball Game
Oct. 17, 2010 Today was a pretty kick-ass day from beginning to end. I got up early with Oliver, even though it’s Sunday. I was up anyway. So, we carried over our Saturday tradition and I took pictures while he was his adorable self. I love that my boys’ favorite thing to do is read. I’m so…
Markers and a full belly
Oct. 16, 2010 Nothing happened for the last six days because, like I hoped, I slept for the last week. I was home sick on Tuesday, went to work Wednesday but felt like death, then was off Thursday and at a photography show Friday. So, here we are! Jenny and Alex surprised Oliver with a…
Thanksgiving and Ben’s Birthday!
Oct. 10, 2010 Today was thanksgiving with Bo’s side. I’m still not speaking to Bo, or anyone else for that matter, thanks to me laryngitis and bronchitis. I am trying to be a good sport through it all though. I’m writing this post almost a month later, and frankly my memory is pretty foggy. I remember being very…
Cookie Monster, I Mean Taster
Oct. 9, 2010 For Thanksgiving (up hear in Canada we’re backwards, we have Thanksgiving before Halloween even gets here) I had all kinds of grand plans. For dinner with my family I was going to make cheesecake and pie and sweet potato casserole. You know what I didn’t make: cheesecake and pie and sweet potato casserole….
laryngitis, bronchitis and fluid, oh my!
Oct. 8, 2010 I may have mentioned before that my kid, well, he’s a bit of a goof. Who? This kid? With the cereal stuck on his bib? Never You can’t tell it here, but he’s actually quite sick in these pictures, fluid in the lungs, antibiotics in the belly, and nothing but goofing in…
Look Ma, I can slide!
Oct. 5, 2010 Some nights it’s just plain hard to get dinner ready (in general, not just at a reasonable time, because that seems to be an issue every night). Sometimes it’s because Oliver’s over tired and fussy, sometimes it’s because he’s having trouble pooping and hurting so he just wants to be held. Sometimes…
Chalkboard Time!
Oct. 3, 2010 Before Oliver was even born I found this fantastic little chalkboard set that sticks on the wall, it was a tree with a bunch of birds (didn’t use the birds though, didn’t like them). I got it for $15 and felt like I’d stolen it. Then, when I was at the mall…
Party in Your Pajamas
Oct. 1, 2010 This is what we do on Saturday mornings. We wake up a little sleepy, so we hold on to our soother a little tighter then usual. Then we play. Make a couple of calls. Laugh at a couple of jokes. And have a big glass of milk before a late morning nap….
The Zoo Chronicals
Sept 26, 2010 Saturday night when we were sitting on the couch Bo said that we should go to the zoo on Sunday because it was supposed to be a nice day, and we probably won’t have many of them left before winter. So we did. We called my Mom too and invited her along….
But I can’t wait, for Saturday Mor-or….or-or-or-OR-ning
Sept 25, 2010 Saturday morning is my morning to get up with Oliver so Bo gets a few extra hours of sleep. Sunday is my day to sleep in, but I usually find the laughter too alluring and get up early any way. I’ve really got to stop doing that. Any way. You know that…
Goofing, Lots and Lots of Goofing!
Sept. 23, 2010 My boy, Oliver…I might have mentioned him before a couple of times. You see, he’s got this one little problem. He’s a goof. Not the clumsy kind (though he does get the drunk walks when he’s tired), it’s the goof on purpose kind. At 15 months he’s already got a sense of…
Leaf’s Game!
Sept 21, 2010 Today was just a fantastic day, Oliver’s first trip to a Maple Leaf’s game (thank you Coke Zero and Toronto Star!). I won tons and tons of tickets, enough to send the following people to a fun, free night out: Me, Bo and OliverNana and PapaMom and RosieTim, Jenny, Jake and his…
Chinese food and water soccer. Wait. What?
Sept. 15, 2010 Oh lord was this ever a rough night. A rough, rough, hysterical, rough night. Wednesdays are always bad because they’re garbage nigh, and I HATE garbage night. I hate sorting through all the bins in the house to separate organics from garbage and recycling in order to maintain the 1 77L bag minimum. I…
Just a typical night…
Sept. 12, 2010 Here’s a typical night in our house, re-created through interpretative dance. No? You don’t want to see me in a one-piece leotard. Fine. Here are some pictures. Oh lord. If I could be guaranteed that every child would be just like Oliver I would be pregnant from now until the day I die. Those…
Mom’s Cottage
Sept. 4 – 6, 2010 This weekend we packed up most of our house and headed up to Mom’s cottage for the long weekend. Now, this was a month ago (to the day, look at that), so I’ll let the pictures do the talking and interject if I so see fit. I guess first I…