Nov. 17, 2010 Every boy should have a dog cat, right? Especially a cat like ours. I haven’t talked about Montana much, but really, she should get her own blog. She comes to a whistle.She loves getting her belly rubbed.She snores loud enough to hear her through two doors and down a hallway.She gives you five…
I think I should be worried.
Nov. 16, 2010 Remember my boy, I wrote about him in that last post…which I wrote about 30 seconds ago. Well, it seems being a goof is just in his blood. It also seems that he’s reworking the definition of goof to include a portion of bad-ass. I regress. When I was pregnant, and everyone…
Sandal loving Mama’s boy!
Nov. 1, 2010 My boy. My baby. Littlest me with the giant eyes and Daddy’s smirk. Why must you do these things that make you look so much older then you are. And make your Mama laugh. Lord how you make your Mama laugh. Tonight, while waiting for Daddy to get home, Oliver decided to…
I think I’ve mentioned before…
Nov. 13, 2010 I think I’ve mentioned before that my kid is goofy. He constantly looks at me with these eyes, which is completely unfair. How can you not do whatever they’re pleading for. And this is how he eats, with his arm slung back, totally chill. Add this to his feet, which he’s resting on the…
It finally happened.
I’ve got to back track a little bit here. Around 4 years ago, Bo and I bought our first bed. We got a ridiculous deal on a fantastic mattress, and we bought an Ikea bed to put it in at the new condo. Now, I wasn’t a fan of that bed. I always thought it…
Forgot to update
Yesterday we got our second set of beta’s back… 412! Yes! That’s a nice chuck more the doubled from the 138 a couple of days ago, so it looks *fingers crossed*, everything’s going perfectly. Ultrasound in a few more weeks to see the little bugger, Can’t wait!
I’m not saying this aloud…right?
Today, I’m eating my weight in multi-grain cheesy cheddar pringles. Trust me, this is not an easy task.
Can I get excited yet?
It’s just been such a crazy week, and it doesn’t seem to be slowing down. I got my first beta back and it was a perfect, beautiful 138. I could finally breath a sigh of relief. Now all I need is for the second one (drawn tomorrow) to be double that and we’ll be laughing….
Where to start…
It has been one hell of a hectic weekend! First off: Friday morning I found out that I’m pregnant with number two! WOOOO! I was able to keep it a secret all day by being in a bad mood. I really don’t do well not telling Bo everything the second that I know. This was…
Just a good night
Last night, well, it was just a good night. I’m not sure how else to put it. On the ride home I asked Bo if we could order a pizza for dinner tonight, and he was up for it, so it meant I just had to worry about cooking for Oliver. Sweet 🙂 When we…
Cookie Update
I just ate a cookie. It’s 9:12am. I did it without even thinking, subconsciously I think. The seal’s broken now. chomp chomp, crunch, munch, crunch. mmmmmmmmmmmmmm.
Call me a liar
So, last week all I did was profess to be caught up, and about to post some recipes…and I didn’t. I wasted the afternoon actually doing some work. Crazy. Any way, I’ve brought a stack of recipes with me today to match up with all the photos, so I really should have at least a…
Woo hoo!
That does it, I’m finally up to date on my posting (or as up to date as I’m going to be), so it’s back to regular scheduling. I don’t even know what that means. Wait, yes I do. It means that I’ll finally be able to get recipes back on here, and there will be…
Oct. 31, 2010 This Halloween was certainly more fun then last year because Oliver kinda knew something was going on (not what though). Last year he was a dinosaur and a dalmatian (I’ll have to find those pictures). This year he was supposed to be Woody from Toy Story. He grabbed the costume off the rack at Toys’r’Us a…
Oliver’s new ATV
Oct. 29, 2010 Aunt Miranda sent Oliver his birthday present (yeah, his birthday was July 8, and yes his party was on June 26, but I don’t think Oliver’s complaining about the belated gift). She sent him a motorized ATV. For children ages 3 and up. For my 15 months old child (note that this isn’t even…
How do I make it through the day?
Oct. 26, 2010 I ask myself how I make it through each day all the time. I do this because I live with the cutest, sweetest, funniest man on the planet, and a son that seems to be just like him. Case in point: What Daddy does, Oliver does. How can your heart not burst…