When I was in college I took a psych course that I absolutely loved. Mostly because the teacher was one of the nicest, sweetest ladies I’d ever met (Hi Mrs. Anderson!). On one of the last days of class she baked cookies for us and brought them in. I loved them, asked for the recipe,…
15 Breakfast Recipes to Make Your Mornings Easier!
I got tagged in a facebook post last night. It was another Mom looking for ideas for easy snacks that she could make for her kiddo, and my cousin knows that I live with a freezer full of options at any given time. I realized that this is a wealth of information that needed to be…
The Adventures of Napkin Man Free Interactive Episodes and a $100 Giveaway
It’s family day in Ontario today, and I thought that would be the perfect time to tell you a bit more about what’s been going on in ours lately. The good: yesterday was Sophie’s 2’nd birthday, and we celebrated over the weekend with a few small parties with family, and some amazing cake (always the…
Look at me, being a dick Mom
Saturday Anna got sick. My second thought was “Ohhh, poor little thing”. My first thought was “Shit”. That was my first thought because whenever one of the kids gets sick, my lack of sleep combined with a piss poor immune system (I’ve decided to blame my mother for not putting me in daycare, something my…
Easy Peri-Peri Chicken
Peri-Peri style chicken is coated in this indescribably delicious and complex tasting marinade that has a bit of heat layered within some incredible smoky and garlicky flavour. I became obsessed with ordering it in on those crazy hectic nights, but my wallet demanded I learn how to make a quick and easy version of it at home.
Get your kids in the kitchen!
Saddle up folks, I’ve gotten out my soapbox and I’m looking to rant a little bit… or maybe this is just an excuse to show some adorable pictures of Sophie baking cookies with me. She’s helping me write this post right now too (blogging is so easy with a baby sitting on your lap). First for…
Forget what you thought about cottage cheese if you don’t like it!
So, I played a mean trick on my kids last week. It was worth it though, because it made them rethink trying new foods. Admittedly, I LOVE cottage cheese, I always have. It’s what I put in my crepes with a little bit of fruit, it’s what I go to when I’m having an angry…
English Style Roast Potatoes
Before we get to the recipe is it ok if I just bitch for a minute. I’d like to say I have a Mother’s instinct, but really, it’s just that my kids are so damn predictable that I KNOW when life is about to go tits-up. Last night was one of those nights. I ran…
Havarti, Pesto & Pear Grilled Cheese Sandwich
I feel like my fingers need a stretch. There is absolutely no holiday I love more than Christmas, and to do it justice, I completely break off from the blog for a couple of weeks. We go big on the 25th, but Bo’s background is part Serbian, so we always make sure to acknowledge that…
How to Finish® Taking Care of Your House After the Holidays
I saw something the other day that really stuck with me: “My goal for 2016 is to accomplish the goals of 2015, which I should have done in 2014, because I made a promise in 2013, and planned in 2012”. Does this sound familiar to anyone else? Yeah, I thought it might. It’s why I’m doing things…
For the second time now I was given the opportunity to test out a piece of Circulon cookware that’s offered at Canadian Tire. Last time, it was one of their non-stick skillets, and you can see that review here. This time around I got to play around with their double non-stick roaster. I have cooked a ton of meals…
Mint Chocolate Cupcakes
Saturday morning I woke up in need of chocolate. Like, it’s the only thing I could think about. Screw getting anything done around the house, laundry could wait, that dust ball in the corner was still going to be there tomorrow, but the level of chocolate craving hangry (so hungry you’re angry) was going to…
Gingerbread Cake
Christmas is right around the corner (surprise, because I’m sure you hadn’t noticed all the in-your-faceness that attacks you everywhere you go). I’m starting to experiment with a few different types of desserts, because I get to have Christmas Dinner for the family at our house this year (WOO HOO!!!!). I probably won’t be nearly as…
Santa Advent Calendar – Free Printable
Woo hoo! It’s December 1st, which means Christmas is officially right around the corner. Usually I wouldn’t be this excited, because most years I’m at a complete loss with my Christmas shopping, but for once, I am way ahead of the game (I mean, 75% of my presents are already wrapped). So, with all that…
Bakewell Tart
Nothing looks as pretty as a tart sitting out on the table. Those fluted edges do all the work for you, making it look like you REALLY know what you’re doing in the kitchen, even though all you really did was roll out some dough. On the scale of tarts, this one falls in the…
Almond Shortbread with Cherry Filling
The holidays are officially in full swing now. This means that from today, through to January 1, my home is consistently full of the sweet, sweet smells of baking (you’re allowed to be jealous, but also understand that this means I need to get my gym routine back up). One of my favourite cookies to make…