I got tagged in a facebook post last night. It was another Mom looking for ideas for easy snacks that she could make for her kiddo, and my cousin knows that I live with a freezer full of options at any given time. I realized that this is a wealth of information that needed to be shared with the world. I’d like to say because I’m just so damn knowledgeable, but that’s not the case. See. I can be lazy… like, refuse to change out of pajamas and do any cooking before 4pm kinda lazy. Especially the day after I’ve suffered through laundry duty.
This is why I live with a freezer full of snack-y type things. Some can be pulled out the night before to defrost for breakfast the next day (ahh banana bread, my faithful saviour). Some are extra awesome because they can be pulled out the morning of (like smoothie pops), when I just don’t. Anything. When I “don’t” anything.
So, here you are Mom’s and Dad’s, my go-to recipes to have easy snacks on hand at all times. It is ok to be lazy sometimes. It is ok to want a morning, afternoon, or evening off. It is more than just ok to keep a stockpile in your house to make this feasible, it’s necessary for our sanity.
Lets start off with my favourite muffins (favourite it my books means it needs some sort of crumble topping). Easy to hold, quick to eat, nothing to clean up after: muffins are a gift when you have kids. Want them frozen so you can cook on an as need basis: Line your muffin tins with paper liners, fill with the batter, then put the tins in the freezer until the batter is completely frozen. Pop the frozen muffin batter into an airtight container, then just take them out when you want them, adding a few minutes to the baking time. You can save them for three months like this. It’s great because you can just bake up what you need, a few at a time, instead of wasting a whole batch.
Banana Streusel Muffins
Blueberry Crumble Muffins
Snack Breads
Everyone loves a good snack bread. I’ve always got three kinds in the freezer: Banana for every day, Pumpkin Spice for a treat, and Chocolate Zucchini for days when I need the kids to behave like they’ve gotten away with something. Yes… it if full of chocolate, but it is also REALLY full of zucchini, a vegetable, which means they cancel each other out and I can still say I’m a good Mom. Just go with it.
Double Chocolate Zucchini Bread
Banana Bread
Hello awesome photo from 2010. Proof is in the recipe though, this is still the only one I use!
Oatmeal Banana Snacking Cookies
In a Pinch Ideas
These are the random little go-to breakfasts that I can either make ahead and store in the freezer or pantry, or whip up incredibly quickly when I’m in a bind in the mornings (a lot of these are made in just 5 minutes!). The Smoothie Pops are a must! The kids always think I’m being extra nice when I give them “icecream” for breakfast.
Raspberry Turnovers in 5 Minutes
Those are my favorite go-to’s, but I want to know what yours are too! Leave me a comment and let me know what you’re making in the mornings!
Let me know below!